CGI Group
CGI secured a competitively bid contract to provide the State a solution to meet federally required Medicaid Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Eligibility Determination Service. We were successful in working with our client through the state procurement process, ultimately obtaining a $12.5 million contract.
Midwest Strategy Group assisted CGI in securing a contract with a total value
exceeding $150 million to replace the State’s legacy enterprise resource planning system. This monumental IT project was awarded on best value and will ensure CGI’s relationship with the State for the foreseeable future.
“Midwest Strategy Group has a depth of knowledge and an understanding of government operations that sets them apart from others. They bring fresh, thoughtful and constructive insights directly related to a particular issue, and we have forged a truly collaborative partnership. Most critically, they are responsive – when we need them, they are always ready to help.”