Connections Education
Connections Education wanted to expand school choice in Michigan to provide students with a free, high quality, online education. We successfully lobbied to pass landmark legislation that opened the door to virtual schooling in Michigan.
Midwest Strategy Group continued to press the legislature to expand the scope of online learning, including opportunities for dual enrollment and blended learning, to provide more opportunities for students and parents. The Governor signed additional bills into law cementing his mantra that learning should occur at ‘any time, any place, any way, any pace.’
Connections Education now has five schools in Michigan servicing students with a variety of online opportunities.
“Since hiring Midwest Strategy Group to represent us in 2010, we have appreciated their professionalism, subject matter expertise, broad network among legislators, policymakers, executive office, and legal and public affairs professionals, and their dogged determination to seek the results we need. Well-respected in so many circles, Midwest Strategy Group has been the perfect partner in helping our organization to navigate complex education policy issues, work alongside a diverse group of stakeholders, and realize outcomes that are positive for our company, the schools we support, and the families we serve. They are the ideal combination of intelligence, resourcefulness, strategic thinking, and work ethic that makes us so pleased to work with them. We are thankful for their outstanding work on our behalf.”